How Air Conditioning Works?
How Air Conditioning Works?

Air conditioning is such system that regulates humidity, air quality, & temperature in indoor spaces. It works on the principle of heat transfer from one location to another.

Some of the simplified explanations are:

Evaporation & Condensation:

The first process includes the refrigerant, which contains a chemical compound & allows it to change between a liquid & a gas at a comparatively lower temperature. So, the cycle starts with a low-temperature, low-pressure gaseous state within the indoor unit evaporator coil.

• Evaporator Coil:

The fan draws hot indoor air over the evaporator coil and hot air passes over the cold coil then the refrigerant absorbs heat. So, it evaporates & turns into a low-pressure gas.

• Compressor:

Compressor-compressed low-pressure gas raises the pressure as well as temperature.

• Condenser Coil:

High-pressure hot gas pumps to the outdoor condenser coil where refrigerant discharges heat to the external environment and condenses back into a liquid.

• Expansion Valve:

 The high-pressure liquid passes through the expansion valve & it drops sudden pressure. So, it causes the refrigerant to evaporate again & absorb heat, restart the cycle.

• Circulation:

The cycle continuously repeats in between the indoor & outdoor units, absorbs heat from the indoor air & discharges it outside.

• Control & Thermostat System:

The thermostat controls the temperature, which senses the indoor temperature & adjusts the AC system operation accordingly.

By taking away heat from indoor air & discharging it outside, the AC system cools & dehumidifies the indoor environment. The whole process allows the temperature regulation & humidity levels to form a  working space.  Also, modern AC systems contain air filters to improve internal air quality by deceiving dust, allergens & other particles.

If you are looking for an Air conditioning installation company, please contact dharabijuli services Pvt. Ltd. We have professional & experienced electricians. Also, we are the best electrical service company in Ktm Valley.

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