Old electrical systems may lead to electrical fires, electrical shocks, & accidents. So, upgrading your home electrical system will increase or improve your property value and life quality.

If you are planning for a home renovation, it is important to know some of the suitable electrical renovation options.

Upgrade your electrical panel

An old electrical panel with some degree of capacity may not be able to handle a large amount of electrical load. Upgrading to a panel with the latest circuit breaker will prevent overloads and increase safety.

Addition of outlets

First of all, determine the total number & location of each outlet in a room. Then, add additional outlets according to your needs.

Energy-Efficient lighting

Switch your old lighting system to modern energy-efficient lighting like LED bulbs to reduce energy consumption as well as electrical bills.

Dimmer switches

Install dimmer switches in your home to control various lights in a room as well as save energy.

Surge protection

A power surge may damage various sensitive electronics & appliances. So, install a surge protector in the whole house to protect appliances from lightning strikes and power fluctuations.

Fix electrical wiring

Faulty old cable is dangerous for wealth. It might lead to short circuits, fires, shocks, etc. so, upgrade your home electrical wiring with the help of professional electricians to improve safety.

Install solar panels

Install solar panels, if you are planning to invest in energy-saving technology and generate your electricity. You also no longer need to be concerned about your large electrical bills.

Outdoor lighting & outlets

You should not also forget to upgrade your outdoor lighting system and outlets. You should install an energy-efficient outdoor light system and weatherproof outlets to increase the exterior area’s functionality.

Dharabijuli offers professional and safe electrical services in Kathmandu Valley. We deal with electrical system upgrades, house wiring, light repairs and installation, and safety checks with a highly experienced and professional team. We are the best Kathmandu Valley electrical service companies.

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