How to Fix a Toilet That Won’t Flush
How to Fix a Toilet That Won’t Flush

If you have a toilet flush problem, then it will not just only ruin your day but also your whole week. There may be various potential reasons for these problems. Some of the guides to prevent flushing problems are:

Test the Water Level:

It is one of the reasons behind the non-functional flush. Also, make certain that the water level is a minimum of 3cm below the tank overflow tube.

Flapper Inspection:

A flapper is a rubber part that is located in the bottom part of the tank. Water may leak continuously if it is not sealing properly from the tank to the bowl. So, replace the flapper if required.

Check the Chain:

The chain that connects the flapper & flushing handle must have some slack but not too loose. So, adjust it accordingly.

Flush Handle Inspection:

Make sure that the flush handle correctly connects to the flushing lever inside the tank. Tighten or reattach it, if it’s disconnected or loose.

Check the Flush Valve:

 The flush valve is located at the tank bottom layer. Press the flush valve to see if it seals properly. Then replace it, if it does not.

Overflow Tube Inspection:

Make sure that the overflow tube is not damaged or cracked as it is essential for proper flushing functioning. If it is, change it to a new one.

Check for Minerals Deposits:

Minerals may be deposited in the flushing holes underneath the rim and that can block the flow of water. So, use a small brush & wire hanger to clean those holes.

  Look for Professional Help

If you have tried all the above steps and problems persist or are unsure about handling the problems yourself. Then, it is best to look for a professional plumber. So, do remember Dharabijuli Services Pvt. Ltd. We have professional, experienced & qualified plumbers to handle those issues.

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